Young people are the future and we are all about telling them that it is ok not to feel ok and the importance of sharing feelings of love, hate, fear, etc.
Primary Schools
We often get asked 'isn't primary school age too young to talk about mental health' - our response? Speak to any staff member in a primary school! They are dealing with emotional and mental health issues on a daily basis. That is why we now deliver our PrimarEAMH programme, a whole school approach to emotional wellbeing. Our bespoke programme works with EVERY young person in a primary school, while also training staff on how to look after their own mental health, and the mental health of their students. We come equipped with lesson plans, activities and mental wellbeing packs we leave with the school.

Secondary School & Further Education
Designed by young people, for young people. Our workshops address the effects of emotional and mental health issues in a fun and interactive way. We aim to encourage young people to open up and talk about how they feel. The two key messages are that it is OK not to feel ok and there is always a way. 98% of young people who have taken part in our workshops have felt more confident in sharing how they feel after taking part.

Teacher & Staff Training
Supporting young people through their education can be difficult, especially with all the pressures that come with growing up. We are able to offer staff training on how to spot the signs that a young person may be struggling, how to support them, and also the importance of referring to other services. We have a vast knowledge of experience and are able to tailor the training to fit your needs.

“The sessions were fantastic! The students remained engaged throughout and when I spoke to them afterwards they were also very pleased with the day and how positive it was. As a school we were very fortunate to have If U Care Share deliver a session to our students.”